Based on HARCO Heavy Lifting’s vast in-house experience in offshore wind installation, SSE has chosen HARCO to provide specialized services in relation to offshore installation, optimization, management and delivery of mock-ups and installation tool design.
The contract was signed in December 2021, and the work started in February 2022.
During the first 12 months of the contract, the support has been concentrated around mock-up testing, drawings, calculations, execution of bolting-test, LEAN optimization of procedures, site management, facilitating of workshops and design of tools for construction.
During the next few years HARCO is expected to deliver further administrative and engineering support, particularly in relation to turbine installation and equipment optimization.
HARCO Heavy Liftings goal is to revolutionize the lifting industry with better and smarter applications, prepared for the future. The criterion of success is to provide advisory and know-how to develop sustainable, cost efficient and cutting-edge solutions for the industry. HARCO Heavy Lifting offers wind farm all-in services, main component exchange, specialist services, equipment specialist services, and development and maintenance of equipment.
Please visit: HARCO Heavy Lifting - Website
Please visit: HARCO Heavy Lifting - LinkedIn
About SSE
SSE is a leading generator of renewable electricity and one of the largest electricity network companies in the UK. SSE develop, own, and operate low carbon infrastructure to support the zero-carbon transition. Their portfolio includes on- and offshore wind, hydro power, electricity transmission and distribution grids. SSE’s purpose is to provide energy needed today, while building a better world of energy for tomorrow.